You are very welcome to request a refund of unspent participant rewards.

How do I get a refund of rewards I haven't used?

In order to obtain a refund of any unspent rewards, please reach out to our Support Team via the button at the bottom of this page. We'll be happy to help.

Considerations when requesting a refund

  • Any refund has to be returned via the original payment method and to the same account you used to add money (e.g. same credit card, same bank account).
  • Proof of original payment is required for refunds via bank or wire transfer of £100/$100 or more.
  • Please make sure that all studies in the workspace are completed and all submissions reviewed before requesting a refund - we will not be able to return any amounts that are currently reserved for active studies
  • Amounts earned through referrals and other bonuses cannot be refunded. If you have claimed a referral bonus, you cannot get a refund of your original top up amount (up to £80 / $100).
  • Please note that Prolific’s platform fees are paid in advance and are non-refundable (other than at our discretion).

In all cases, please contact our Support Team and tell us how much of your unspent rewards you would refunded, and we'll take care of the remaining steps.

Refund documentation

When a refund is processed, you will be provided with a credit note/receipt. You can find this document on your workspace Finance page, under the ‘Invoices’ section.

Need further help?
Click here to contact us