There are some studies that are unsuitable for Prolific.

We are unable to support studies that require the collection of participants' personally identifiable information (i.e. their names, phone numbers, emails, home addresses, etc.), even if this data is not going to be used by the research team.

Studies with non-monetary rewards cannot be run on Prolific. All studies run on Prolific must be paid through Prolific and have a minimum reward rate of at least £6/hr or $8/hr. We recommend you pay participants at least £9 / $12 per hour.

Studies where participants are unfairly screened out within a study or rejected unfairly are also not suitable for Prolific.

Please be aware that we may get in touch with you if we have concerns about how you are using the platform, and we reserve the right to ask you to stop data collection if we believe your study to be in breach of our terms.

It is also important to know that we are unable to fully support time-sensitive studies on Prolific at this point. Read more about this here: What if my study is time sensitive?

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