What's Prolific's address?

Our registered address is:

Prolific Academic Ltd.
483 Green Lanes
N13 4BS

Whilst a remote first company, with our team spread around the UK and the globe, all services are provided from the UK.

Where should remittance notices be sent?

You can get in touch here or if you need a specific email address, please use info@prolific.com.

What bank details should be used for Prolific?

Please generate an invoice first and use the bank details provided on your invoice.

If you or your institution will need any documents from our bank(s) before making a payment, please use the Lloyds or Wise bank details. You can then contact the Support Team to ask for the documents you need.

Other useful information about Prolific

  • Company Registration Number: 8991598
  • D-U-N-S: 220072168
  • VAT (Tax) Registration Number: GB233607523
  • Corporation tax number for the UK entity: 9630220034
  • Foreign TIN (Tax Identification Number): 9630220034


At Prolific, we’re committed to inclusivity and are actively working on improving our accessibility.

We’re currently aiming to make our platform and internal tools compliant to a WCAG 2.1 AA standard. We’re doing this through incremental changes and consistently looking at external guidance on accessibility to make sure we’re heading in the right direction!

Do we have a VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template)?

Prolific does not currently have a VPAT, though a full accessibility review and related compliance work will likely be undertaken in 2024. A VPAT is a document that explains how our products (including our platform and support documentation) meet accessibility standards.

Climate and environmental policies

Making the world a better place is part of our ethos at Prolific and it’s very important to our company. We don’t currently have documentation about our environmental policies. We want to help in any way we can to protect the world and Mossy Earth has a mission we align with. We therefore have corporate sponsorship with Mossy Earth.

As a business we’re committed to carbon offsetting; each month we donate money in our employees names to plant trees, and being a remote-first company we’re doing our bit to offset travel too.


Diversity at all levels and across all demographics is critical to Prolific. It helps us be a strong team, and relies on building an inclusive culture to be truly successful.

We recognize that racial and gender representation at the top levels of society is a far-reaching and systemic problem, which will require creative solutions and consistent effort across our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda, and we believe this work will indirectly serve all underrepresented groups longer term. The more diverse and inclusive we become, the better for all of us.

At Prolific we closely monitor our workforce diversity, and the efforts we take in order to improve this across our hiring processes and retention of our employees.

Not everyone is afforded the same opportunities in life, and we want to make sure that as a business we are not propagating a system of inequity. We intend to do this by focusing on:

Opportunity Creation: creating career entry opportunities for underrepresented groups.

Using our privilege as a job creator we want to focus on creating apprenticeships, intern, entry-level opportunities to a range of underrepresented groups, helping to start careers and investing in the longer-term solving of representation.

Hiring: create fair and consistent processes; reach and recruit from diverse talent pools.

Ensuring we build a representative team at all levels through consistently evaluating our hiring practices, increasing our reach as a business and appealing to a diverse audience through our employer brand efforts and partnerships, and constantly review all of our hiring efforts and progress against our representation goals.

Data security

Data security is one of our top priorities at Prolific! We’re constantly working to make sure the data you and participants share with us is safe. Please get in touch if you have any specific questions about how we look after our information!

We go into more detail about Data Protection and Privacy Policies here.

Our terms and conditions

Use of Prolific is governed by our Researcher Terms and we are unable to enter into additional contracts and agreements (particular when not under English law).

Many of our users are large academic institutions, companies or Government bodies with their own procurement processes and who would typically onboard suppliers using some form of standard purchase terms. It’s operationally impossible for Prolific to accept any user’s standard terms or purchasing agreements. So far this hasn’t prevented any of our larger users from proceeding. To provide some context for your procurement team, it might be helpful to set out some quick background on how Prolific works and why we've adopted this position:

  • Each Participant registers with Prolific under our standard Participant Terms and agrees to comply with those terms.
  • The Researcher registers with Prolific under our standard Researcher Term sand agrees to comply with them. These set out, among other things, the basic rules and responsibilities which are required from all Researcher users (in relation to transparency, research ethics, compliance with laws, etc.), as well as the Researcher’s commitment to pay Participants which it recruits through the Prolific platform.
  • Researchers list studies from time to time on the Prolific platform. By listing a study the Researcher is offering to enter into a contract with Participants under which the Researcher agrees to conduct that study and pay Participants on: i) the standard terms set by Prolific; and ii) any additional "Study Terms" set by the researcher. Prolific concludes that contract as agent.
  • The Participant knows (and is assured as a matter of contract) that all Researchers have agreed to comply with Prolific's standard Researcher-facing terms. There's no way around that, as it’s an essential feature of the platform. We do not have any product feature which would allow us to say to participants “all the other institutions on our platform have agreed to a common set of rules via our Researcher Terms, except this one”.
  • On top of that, our standard terms set out a few detailed positions which are "baked into" our business model and universally applicable, including Prolific, the Researcher's and the Participant's respective roles and relationships from a data protection perspective, our role as an agent and our tax position, none of which would be addressed by any user's standard purchase terms.
  • Finally, our insurance has been obtained on the basis of our platform model, and on the basis that all users have agreed to our standard terms – even if a user's standard procurement terms were perfectly tailored to the model described above we still couldn’t accept without invalidating our insurance.

We simply can't contract other than on the basis of our standard terms. What we can do, however, is look at very limited amendments to our standard terms which are absolutely necessary in order for our users to meet their constitutional requirements or local legal requirements - we have a standard-form amendment which we can use to agree and document those items if needed.

Please see our full legal terms for further information.

Should there be a Data Processing Agreement in place between a Researcher and Prolific?

No, we do not act as a data processor. All of the personal data associated with any user’s account (whether participants or researchers) is personal data of which Prolific is a controller, as we process it for our own business purposes (primarily the purposes of offering our platform services to users concerned). We do not host studies or otherwise process data on behalf of our researcher users. There is, therefore, no requirement for a data processing agreement to be in place under Article 28 UK GDPR.

There is one minor exception to this position: Prolific is currently trialing a tool in limited beta, which would allow researchers to run short studies (e.g., with a small number of questions) within the Prolific platform. This would involve study responses moving through our platform, which could involve Prolific acting as data processor. We are extremely attentive to the change in our data protection position if we do roll this tool out more widely in the future. The terms of use for the beta version of the tool already include all wording required under Article 28 GDPR.

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