Workspaces are a new way for you to collaborate with your teammates and organize research on Prolific. Each workspace has its own set of projects, studies, team members and funds.

You can create and be added to as many collaborative workspaces as needed, as well as unlimited private workspaces for your own research.

Currently, all members of a shared workspace can:

  • Top-up and request a refund of funds
  • Create, edit and publish studies
  • Create and rename projects

Admin members can invite and manage members of a workspace. Read more about workspace roles here.

Please note workspaces cannot be deleted and you cannot share or transfer funds between different workspaces

Navigating workspaces

Workspaces can be fully navigated from the top navigation bar.

In the top navigation bar you can see the name of the currently selected workspace ('Personal', in the examples). All projects, finances and team members below relate to this workspace.

When you click the workspace name you’ll be shown a list of all workspaces you are part of. Switch to a workspace by clicking on its name.

For more information about the sections within a workspace please visit:

Adding a new workspace

1. To create a new workspace, select ‘New workspace’ from the dropdown menu.

2. A popup box will appear for you to give your new workspace a name. We recommend choosing a unique, identifiable name to make it easy to switch between workspaces.

3. Click ‘Create workspace’ to finish the process. You’ll then be taken straight to your new workspace.

4. Once a workspace has been created, you’ll need to add billing details and top it up with funds before you can publish studies. See here for more information on how to do this.

Renaming a workspace (admin members only)

Admin members can rename a workspace using the ‘Settings’ tab on the left sidebar. On the Settings page, add the new name for your workspace in the box provided (maximum 18 characters) and select ‘Rename’.

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