To add participants to an active study, select the option to increase places from the action menu:

Total places available

The number you enter here should be the total number of places you want to be available for your study after increasing places and not the number you want to increase by. The study's pricing will automatically re-calculate when you do this.

Once the additional places have been added, the study will automatically become active. You will need to refresh the page to see the correct study status.

Increasing places for completed studies

You can also increase places for a completed study in the same manner. When you have increased places, the study will be moved from your 'completed' studies folder back into the 'active' folder, and data collection shall resume.

Increasing places on Representative sample studies

For representative sample studies, if you manually reallocate the sample to speed up recruitment, you won’t have the option to later increase places.

What if I have insufficient funds?

If you have insufficient funds to increase places on a study, this may be explained by a discrepancy between your total and available balance. You can read more about this here: Workspace balance.

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