✍️ Study setup and management
Setting up a study on Prolific
- How to use custom screening to recruit specific participants
- Can I add a login and password to my study?
- Screener sets
- How do I run a study with sensitive or disturbing content?
- Survey builder
- Setting up a study on Prolific (step-by-step guide)
- Prolific's Attention and Comprehension Check Policy
- Setting up a study FAQs
- Enabling multiple submissions to your study
- Taskflow - AI Dataset Annotation
- How do I restrict participation to certain devices?
- What if my study is time sensitive?
- Study details
- Data collection
- Recruit participants
- Study cost
- Saving your study as a draft
- Previewing your study
- Publishing your study
- Taskflow - Academic Multiple Conditions
- Recording Prolific ID’s
Choosing your participants
- Which participants will take my study?
- Bring your own participants
- Participant groups
- How do I use Prolific's demographic prescreening?
- How do I balance my sample within demographics?
- Representative samples
- Representative samples FAQ
- How do I recruit a custom sample?
- How can I invite specific participants to my study?
- How can I prevent specific participants from accessing my study?
- Can I screen participants within my study?
Advanced study setup
- How do I run a pilot study?
- Can I run studies simultaneously?
- How do I prescreen for participants who are fluent in multiple languages?
- Custom completion codes
- How do I run studies with couples?
- How do I run a diary study?
- Random assignment
- How do I set up a longitudinal / multi-part study?
- How do I run video interviews & focus groups?
- Can I run studies that deceive participants?
- Dyadic experiments
Integrating your survey software
- What survey / experimental software is compatible with Prolific?
- Survey software integration guides
- Argilla RLHF dataset guide
- Alchemer integration guide
- Argilla integration guide
- Google Forms integration guide
- Gorilla integration guide
- Inquisit integration guide
- Labvanced integration guide
- Maze integration guide
- Meadows Research integration guide
- Opinion X integration guide
- Pavlovia integration guide
- Potato integration guide
- PsychoPy integration guide
- PsyToolkit integration guide
- Qualtrics integration guide
- QuestionPro integration guide
- RealEye integration guide
- SoPHIE Labs integration guide
- Typeform integration guide
- Useberry integration guide
Managing an active study
Reviewing submissions
- Submission statuses explained
- How to detect and prevent the use of Large Language Models in studies
- Approvals, rejections & returns
- Exporting Prolific demographic data
- Matching data between Prolific and your external study software
- Participants are completing my study with 'NOCODE' or the wrong completion code
- My participants don't match the prescreening I selected
- How do I report data quality concerns to you?
- Why do I have missing data?
- Why do I have more participants than requested?
- A participant took the study with an incompatible device
- Can I ask a participant to redo their submission?
AI Task Builder