Before publishing your study, it is very important to check that all of the details you've entered are correct. You will not be able to change the following details on Prolific once your study is published:

If you would like to change any of these details after publishing, you will have to close your study early by selecting 'stop' from the action menu. You can then duplicate your study, and publish a new version with the updated details. You can read more about duplicating a study here.

In order to update the eligibility on a study we normally recommend that you close your current version of the study and review the remaining participants before publishing a new version of the study.

If you need make changes to the study in your external study software, we recommend pausing the study on Prolific and making these adjustments. You can then make the study active again when you are ready. In cases where these edits will impact the estimated completion time, you should instead stop the current study and create a new one.

It is possible to increase places on most studies after they have been published. Please see here for more information.

It is not possible to reduce the pay reward offered to participants after a study has been published, however there are a few ways in which this can be increased. Please see here for more information.

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