These features can be helpful in a number of scenarios:

  • You are running a multi-part / longitudinal study
    • You wish to include only participants who completed the previous studies in a series
  • You experienced issues with a previous study
    • You may wish to give participants who were unable to complete the previous study an opportunity to take part in a duplicate study, once the issues have been resolved

Option 1: Include approved participants from previous studies

To invite approved participants from selected other studies, please follow these steps:

  1. When creating a study, scroll down to the 'recruit participants' section.
  2. Select 'prescreen participants' and then search for the 'include approved participants from other studies' screener in the search bar. This screener can also be found in the 'participation on Prolific' screener category.
  3. Select the names of the studies whose approved participants you wish to invite to take part in the new study.

Applying the 'include approved participants from other studies' screener will include only approved participants from the selected studies. This does not include rejected, returned or timed out participants.

Option 2: Use a custom allowlist

Our custom allowlist prescreening filter can be used if you wish to invite specific participants to your study and you have already collected their Prolific IDs. You can also add to your custom allowlist while your study is running.

  1. When creating a study, scroll down to the 'audience' section.
  2. Select 'prescreen participants' and then search for the 'custom allowlist' screener in the search bar. This screener can also be found in the 'custom screener' category.
  3. Enter the Prolific IDs of the participants you want to invite to the study. Only these participants will be able to take part in this study. They will automatically be emailed with an invitation to take part within one hour of the study being published. You can also send custom reminders using our messaging system.

To generate the custom allowlist, you should ideally obtain the IDs from your Prolific data export or query string, rather than using manually entered data. Prolific IDs manually recorded in your survey may contain errors, and invalid IDs will be rejected from the custom allowlist. See here for instructions on how to download your data export.

To add more participants to your custom allowlist whilst the study is running, simply go to your submissions page, click the action menu, then 'add participants to allowlist'. Enter the new Prolific IDs and click 'Append'. These IDs will now be added to your existing custom allowlist and will become eligible for the study.

It is not possible to remove participants from the allowlist of a published study.

Please be aware that adding new participants to your custom allowlist won’t increase the number of available places on your study. You can increase the places available on any study, other than representative samples.

Please note:

  • If you want your participants to complete the study at a particular time, please make sure to specify this in your study description, including the time zone(s). We also have a schedule publish feature if you'd like the study to be published at a particular time.
  • When using a custom allowlist please make sure to not add any additional prescreeners as this can often make the participants you invite no longer eligible for your study and therefore not able to access it.
  • If participants in your allowlist are placed on hold they will not be shown or be able to take part in studies. If you need help with this, please message our Support Team using the button at the bottom of the page.

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